Thursday, February 23, 2012

Recap: The 7th Annual Ward A. Peterson Charity Pool Tournament

My Brothers,

What an amazing event! We had over 30 friends and Brothers that attended this event. This is the largest turnout the pool tournament has ever had. I want to personaly thank Bro. Burgess for manning the bar, Bro. Samuel, McMullen and Keim for running the bracket, Bro. Chapin for taking care of the money and each Brother that help during the night. This was the smoothest event I think we have ever had. All the Brothers came together and it made for a special night. I also want to thank the generosity of each of the Brothers that donated to the event. Your gift made is possible for this event to be as much fun as it was.

I have been getting calls, text and emails about how thankful people were to me for running such successful event. Please, don't thank me I really didn't do anything. It was the Brothers of Harmonie, all of us, that made this such a successful event. I think we even made a few friends that now have a better idea of what is meant by the "Mystic Tie" and true fellowship of man.

We are still getting the final count from Bro. Chapin for the donation to the Ward A. Peterson Fund. From what I have heard from Bro. Chapin this was the largest amount raised for the Ward, ever. We should be very proud of that.

1 comment:

  1. The RJK Fellowcraft club did an outstanding job with this. The friends that showed up were just amazed at how well we do and now have a small taste of the fellowship we enjoy.
