Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 8th 2013 - Western New York Lodge of Research presents Bro. Zachary Burgess and Masonic Scotland

The Western New York Loge of Research has been kind enough to invite the Brothers of Harmonie Lodge to speak on many occasions. It has been a joy and an honor to have been invited so often and be welcomed so warmly. Support the Lodge of Research,  it is a gem of our Masonic community and some of the most opened minded and eager Brothers I know of. 

Bro. Burgess was lucky enough to get married to a wonderful woman in a wonderful location, Scotland. His lecture covered his travels while visiting. Interestingly enough he was able to "persuade" his wife to be to visit a wide range of historic Masonic sites while there. This was his first full lecture outside of Harmonie. He did very well and his program was interesting and spurred much conversation. He is formating his program so that we can publish on the Harmonie digital library. Take a look once we have it up. Bro. Burgess took some wonderful pictures of some hard to see sections of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. 

W:. Daniel J. Di Natale 

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