Thursday, April 14, 2016

Master's Work Presentation - 4/14/2016

A Harmonie Lodge tradition is to not only have our candidates demonstrate suitable proficiency in their labors, but to also present a Master's Work - which is a personal work in an area that interests the candidate that pertains to The Craft and their lives - some Fellowcrafts work predominately with their hands, some with their minds - but all with their hearts.

Bro. Clayton Waliczek presenting a frame for the charter and discussing what brought him to masonry and why he chose the materials he used.
Bro. Scott Boyer presenting a hand made set of working tools.
The working tools of the Master Mason

Bro. Michael Wisnock presenting his essay on his travels from the West to the East in search of Light in masonry

Bro. Austin Clark reading his short story about the Wisdom of Solomon, presenting his heartfelt "Words" and expounding upon the wisdom of Bro. Benjamin Franklin.
Bro. Scott Holmes presenting his Work in Progress of his painting of the original officers of Harmonie Lodge, using numerous historical references from Harmonie's past and present.

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